Champ |
2nd |
3rd |
'21 |
Gesicki-ya (Richard) |
We Are Those MFers (Jimmy) |
Toney to the Moon(Sy) |
'20 |
Kawhi for Lyfe (Robert) |
Not Last Place Chump (Jimmy) |
ButtFumble (Andre) |
'19 |
king's Super Team (Vu) |
Vanchester United (Van) |
Kawhi for Lyfe (Robert) |
'18 |
ButtFumble (Andre) |
The Real 'LT' (Lendl) |
Big bouncing TD's (Matt) |
'17 |
AnclyT (Andy/Vu) |
Da BEARS (Phuong) |
A Feast for Crowells (Gao) |
'16 |
Da BEARS (Phuong) |
ButtFumble (Andre) |
Taters gonna Tate (Gao) |
'15 |
ButtFumble (Andre) |
Len-Diesel (Lendl) |
AnclyT (Andy) |
'14 |
LBJ FOR PREZ! (Robert) |
ButtFumble (Andre) |
AnclyT (Andy) |
'13 |
JackAss (Jack) |
WeaponX (Richard) |
ButtFumble (Andre) |