Champ 2nd 3rd
'21 Gesicki-ya (Richard) We Are Those MFers (Jimmy) Toney to the Moon(Sy)
'20 Kawhi for Lyfe (Robert) Not Last Place Chump (Jimmy) ButtFumble (Andre)
'19 king's Super Team (Vu) Vanchester United (Van) Kawhi for Lyfe (Robert)
'18 ButtFumble (Andre) The Real 'LT' (Lendl) Big bouncing TD's (Matt)
'17 AnclyT (Andy/Vu) Da BEARS (Phuong) A Feast for Crowells (Gao)
'16 Da BEARS (Phuong) ButtFumble (Andre) Taters gonna Tate (Gao)
'15 ButtFumble (Andre) Len-Diesel (Lendl) AnclyT (Andy)
'14 LBJ FOR PREZ! (Robert) ButtFumble (Andre) AnclyT (Andy)
'13 JackAss (Jack) WeaponX (Richard) ButtFumble (Andre)